- cookie-pusher
- работник заграничной службы, интересующийся только протокольными мероприятиями
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь. 2013.
Cookie Pusher — The term Cookie Pusher has been applied as a reference to diplomats in general and members of the United States Foreign Service specifically. OriginThe Listserv of the American Dialect Society documents cookie pusher as being coined by US… … Wikipedia
Cookie pusher — The term Cookie Pusher has been applied as a reference to diplomats in general and members of the United States Foreign Service specifically. Contents 1 Origin 2 Usage mid century 3 Modern usage … Wikipedia
cookie pusher — 1. n. a bootlicker; someone who flatters other people for self serving motives. □ When you’ve got a whole office full of cookie pushers, there’s always someone to take you to lunch. □ Another cookie pusher came in today to tell me what a great… … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
cookie pusher — a male employee who curries favour with his boss From the act of handing round the cakes or biscuits at a function largely attended by women: ... do you see that furry headed little cookie pusher Brittan is having the fountains in… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
cookie-pusher — n American an unmanly man, an effete or sycophan tic male (the word never seems to be used of women). The image is of some one who spends his time passing cook ies at tea parties, either because he enjoys such effeminate activities, or in order… … Contemporary slang
cookie pusher — noun : a careerist (as a diplomat) attentive to form and protocol but generally pliant and without force; broadly : a vacuous person without force who is given to an active but innocuous social life * * * cookie pusher, U.S. Slang. a person who… … Useful english dictionary
cookie-pusher — cookˈie pusher noun (US sl) An effeminate man or a sycophantic person, esp a man • • • Main Entry: ↑cookie … Useful english dictionary
Hugh Gibson — Hugh S. Gibson (August 16, 1883 – December 12, 1954), Career diplomat and “career humanitarian” ( New York Times , December 13, 1954), was actively involved in disarmament talks from 1925 to 1932, and (together with such colleagues as ambassadors … Wikipedia
United States Foreign Service — Seal of the US Department of State The United States Foreign Service is a component of the United States federal government under the aegis of the United States Department of State. It consists of approximately 11,500 professionals[1] carrying… … Wikipedia
Mystery Case Files: Prime Suspects — Developer(s) Big Fish Studios Publisher(s) … Wikipedia
male — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Masculine Nouns 1. male, man, he, homo, gentleman, sir, master, yeoman, wight, swain, blade, chap, gaffer, husband, bachelor, Mr., mister; boy, stripling, youth, lad; homme; hombre; macho; lady s man,… … English dictionary for students